Applying 360° Live Virtual Reality Tour in Taman Safari Indonesia Tourism Industry: Enterprise Architecture Approach

Jarot S. Suroso,Gunawan Wang, Muhammad Fadhil A. Suroso, Felix Putra Astaman, Liang Miladi Budhaye, William Bustoni

2022 IEEE International Conference of Computer Science and Information Technology (ICOSNIKOM)(2022)

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Virtual Reality is a computer-programmed environment where the user can feel and immerse themselves in their surroundings with scenes and objects that appear to be real but actually fake. Right now, Virtual Reality technology is starting to become more popular not only by the people who use it for entertainment purposes, but also popular for the business companies. During the Covid-19 Pandemic, all businesses in Tourism like Taman Safari Indonesia were having trouble getting visitors. Not only that, there are also visitors who couldn't visit the park due to their locations being far away from the park locations. In this study, the researchers will implement this Virtual Reality into the Taman Safari Bogor Tour Business in order to increase their visitors by using enterprise architecture. The researchers at this study used the Essential Enterprise Architecture framework model, because in the Essential Enterprise Architecture framework, it helps explain the Business Architecture, Information System Architecture, and the Information Technology Architecture that will be needed in the Virtual Reality implementation phase. With the implementation of the Virtual Reality Tour into the Taman Safari Indonesia Tourism Industry, it could helped solve the low visitors come due to Covid-19 Pandemic and also gives an opportunity to gather more visitors who lives far away from the park locations including visitors from other country.
Enterprise Architecture,Virtual Reality,Tourism Industry,Taman Safari Indonesia
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