Soil, leaf and fruit nutrient data for pear orchards located in the Circum-Bohai Bay and Loess Plateau regions

Scientific data(2023)

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The data described in this paper were collected from the Circum-Bohai Bay and Loess Plateau regions of northern China. Soil, leaf and fruit nutrients from 225 typical pear orchards in these regions were measured. Soil data included pH, organic matter, total N, alkaline hydrolysable N, available P and available K concentrations of 3 different soil layers, 0–20 cm, 20–40 cm and 40–60 cm, from different orchards. Leaf and fruit data included N, P, K, Ca, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn and B concentrations of pear trees from different orchards. These data can be used to assess the soil nutrient supply and leaf and fruit nutrient status of pear orchards in two major producing areas, Circum-Bohai Bay and Loess Plateau. Additionally, this dataset provides data to support the development of regionalized and standardized soil nutrient management programs for pear orchards, as well as regionalized layouts of the main varieties in the two producing areas.
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Agroecology,Plant physiology,Science,Humanities and Social Sciences,multidisciplinary
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