Metal-bonded perovskite lead hydride with phonon-mediated superconductivity up to 46 K under atmospheric pressure


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In the search for high-temperature superconductivity in hydrides, a plethora of multi-hydrogen superconductors have been theoretically predicted, and some have been synthesized experimentally under ultrahigh pressures of several hundred GPa. However, the impracticality of these high-pressure methods has been a persistent issue. In response, we propose a new approach to achieve high-temperature superconductivity under atmospheric pressure by implanting hydrogen into lead to create a stable few-hydrogen metal-bonded perovskite, Pb$_4$H. This approach diverges from the popular design methodology of multi-hydrogen covalent high critical temperature ($T_c$) superconductors under ultrahigh pressure. By solving the anisotropic Migdal-Eliashberg (ME) equations, we demonstrate that perovskite Pb$_4$H is a typical phonon-mediated superconductor with a $T_c$ of 46 K, which is six times higher than that of bulk Pb (7.22 K) and higher than that of MgB$_2$ (39 K). The high $T_c$ can be attributed to the strong electron-phonon coupling (EPC) strength of 2.45, which arises from hydrogen implantation in lead that induces several high-frequency optical phonon modes with a relatively large phonon linewidth resulting from H atom vibration. The metallic-bonding in perovskite Pb$_4$H not only improves the structural stability but also guarantees better ductility than the widely investigated multi-hydrogen, iron-based, and cuprate superconductors. These results suggest that there is potential for the exploration of new high-temperature superconductors under atmospheric pressure and may reignite interest in their experimental synthesis soon.
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