Diagnostic Approach to Enteric Disorders in Pigs

Animals : an open access journal from MDPI(2023)

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Simple Summary Pig diarrhoea is one of the most frequent health problem in modern production, which can be associated with high mortality, decreased growth rates and an increase in treatment costs. The solution for an enteric disease requires a diagnosis which is based on diagnostic criteria, that must be respected to be reliable. The veterinary practitioner has the responsibility of making a final diagnosis, and based on this to make decisions concerning the management of swine health problems. The veterinary diagnostic laboratory can be an important support providing technical assistance in performing laboratory testing and consultancy activity. The aim of this paper is to focus on the diagnostic approach of enteric disorders in pigs, from sampling to the aetiological diagnosis, taking into consideration the diagnostic criteria for the various diseases and the methods considered to be the best choice for diagnosis. The diagnosis of enteric disorders in pigs is extremely challenging, at any age. Outbreaks of enteric disease in pigs are frequently multifactorial and multiple microorganisms can co-exist and interact. Furthermore, several pathogens, such as Clostridium perfrigens type A, Rotavirus and Lawsonia intracellularis, may be present in the gut in the absence of clinical signs. Thus, diagnosis must be based on a differential approach in order to develop a tailored control strategy, considering that treatment and control programs for enteric diseases are pathogen-specific. Correct sampling for laboratory analyses is fundamental for the diagnostic work-up of enteric disease in pigs. For example, histology is the diagnostic gold standard for several enteric disorders, and sampling must ensure the collection of representative and optimal intestinal samples. The aim of this paper is to focus on the diagnostic approach, from sampling to the aetiological diagnosis, of enteric disorders in pigs due to different pathogens during the different phases of production.
enteric diseases,pig,diagnosis
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