Brain evolution and the meaning of catatonia - An update


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Back in 2004, in a chapter titled "Brain Evolution and the Meaning of Catatonia", a case was made that the syndrome's core meaning is embedded in millions of years of vertebrate brain evolution. (Fricchione, 2004) In this update, advances over the last almost 20 years, in catatonia theory and research in particular, and pertinent neuropsychiatry in general, will be applied to this question of meaning. The approach will rely heavily on a number of thought leaders, including Nicos Tinbergen, Paul MacLean, John Bowlby, M. Marsel Mesulam, Bruce McEwen and Karl Friston. Their guidance will be supplemented with a selected survey of 21sty century neuropsychiatry, neurophysiology, molecular biology, neuroimaging and neurotherapeutics as applied to the catatonic syndrome. In an attempt to address the question of the meaning of the catatonic syndrome in human life, we will employ two conceptual networks representing the intersubjectivity of the quantitative conceptual network of physical terms and the subjectivity of the qualitative conceptual network of mental and spiritual terms. In the process, a common referent providing extensional identity may emerge (Goodman, 1991). The goal of this exercise is to enhance our attunement with the experience of patients suffering with catatonia. A deeper understanding of catatonia's origins in brain evolution and of the challenges of individual epigenetic development in the setting of environmental events coupled with appreciation of what has been described as the most painful mammalian condition, that of separation, has the potential to foster greater efforts on the part of clinicians to diagnose and treat patients who present with catatonia. In addition, in this ancient and extreme tactic, evolved to provide safety from extreme survival threat, one can speculate what is at the core of human fear and the challenge it presents to all of us. And when the biology, psychology and sociology of catatonia are examined, the nature of solutions to the challenge may emerge.
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