Business Model for Shared Energy Generation with Peer-To-Peer Trading via Blockchain

Beatriz Batista Cardoso,Paula Zenni Lodetti, Maileen Schwarz Simão,Marcos A. Izumida Martins, Luis Gustavo O. B. Ulhoa, Luciano Benvenuti Roncalio,Lucas De Paula A. Pinheiro, Orlando Da Silva Santos

2022 IEEE Sustainable Power and Energy Conference (iSPEC)(2022)

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Blockchain technology brings numerous varieties of applications, and within them, the electric energy area stands out. To apply this technology in the sector, it is necessary to understand its characteristics and the needs of users. This paper presents the main characteristics of blockchain technology, a survey carried out with users of shared generation, and, using the data collected together with a market research, a business model was developed with short, medium and long expectations.
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Key words
blockchain,distributed generation,business model
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