Probabilistic Genotype-Phenotype Maps Reveal Mutational Robustness of RNA Folding, Spin Glasses, and Quantum Circuits.


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Recent studies of genotype-phenotype (GP) maps have reported universally enhanced phenotypic robustness to genotype mutations, a feature essential to evolution. Virtually all of these studies make a simplifying assumption that each genotype maps deterministically to a single phenotype. Here, we introduce probabilistic genotype-phenotype (PrGP) maps, where each genotype maps to a vector of phenotype probabilities, as a more realistic framework for investigating robustness. We study three model systems to show that our generalized framework can handle uncertainty emerging from various physical sources: (1) thermal fluctuation in RNA folding, (2) external field disorder in spin glass ground state finding, and (3) superposition and entanglement in quantum circuits, which are realized experimentally on a 7-qubit IBM quantum computer. In all three cases, we observe a novel biphasic robustness scaling which is enhanced relative to random expectation for more frequent phenotypes and approaches random expectation for less frequent phenotypes.
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rna folding,quantum circuits,genotype-phenotype
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