Ki67 and E-cadherin Are Independent Predictors of Long-term Survival in Endometrial Carcinoma

Anticancer research(2023)

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Background/Aim: In previous studies, we identified estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, Ki67, p53, c-erb-B2, and E-cadherin to be individually associated with the prognosis of endometrial carcinoma. In the present study, we aimed to identify which of the aforementioned are associated with survival after long-term follow-up. Patients and Methods: A total of 106 patients were followed until their demise, or for a median of 120 months in the case of survival (range=84-240 months). At the end of the study, 38 patients had died, and 68 were alive. The association of the studied variables with survival was analyzed by means of a Weibull regression model. Results: A final, restricted model adjusted for age, stage, and histological variety showed both Ki67 and E-cadherin to be independent predictors of a shorter and a longer survival, respectively. Conclusion: Immunohistochemistry for Ki67 and E-cadherin is a cheap and relatively easy-to-interpret laboratory procedure for predicting survival of patients with endometrial carcinoma in clinical practice.
Endometrial carcinoma,Ki67,E-cadherin
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