Comparing the Effects of Virtual Reality and Home Chair-Based Exercises on Balance, Daily Living Activities, and Loneliness Among Older Adults With Balance Disorders.

Fatemeh Shirazi, Noorolla Zahdyan Nasab,Azita Jaberi

Research in gerontological nursing(2023)

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The current quasi-experimental study aimed to compare the effects of virtual reality (VR) and home chair-based (HCB) exercises on balance, daily living activities, and loneliness among older adults ( = 90) with balance disorders living in nursing homes. Participants were assigned to three groups: (a) VR exercises, (b) HCB exercises, and (c) routine nursing home programs. Findings indicated that VR and HCB exercises significantly increased participants' balance and daily living activities compared to routine programs ( < 0.001). However, there was no clinical difference among groups regarding Berg Balance Scale and Barthel Index scores. Main effect of time regarding loneliness mean score ( = 0.991) was not significant among groups. The minimal detectable change pre-set standard for loneliness also showed no significant clinical difference. Exercise had no significant impact on loneliness; however, it had a positive role in improving balance and daily living activities, with no significant difference between VR and HCB exercises. Further studies are recommended to evaluate adherence to such exercises. [(1), 33-42.].
daily living activities,balance,virtual reality,loneliness,chair-based
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