Universal gravity-driven isothermal turbulence cascade in disk galaxies


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While interstellar gas is known to be supersonically turbulent, the injection processes of this turbulence are still unclear. Many studies suggest a dominant role of gravitational instabilities. However, their effect on galaxy morphology and large-scale dynamics vary across cosmic times, in particular due to the evolution of the gas fraction of galaxies. In this paper, we propose numerical simulations to follow the isothermal turbulent cascade of purely gravitationally-driven turbulence from its injection scale down to 0.095 pc for a gas-poor spiral disk and a gas-rich clumpy disk. To this purpose, and to lift the memory-footprint technical lock of sufficiently resolving the interstellar medium of a galaxy, we developed an encapsulated zoom method that allows us to probe self-consistently the self-generated turbulence cascade over three orders of magnitude on spatial scales. We follow this cascade for 10 Myrs. We find that the turbulent cascade follows the same scaling laws in both setups. Namely, in both cases the turbulence is close to equipartition between its compressive and solenoidal modes, the velocity power spectrum follows the Burgers' scaling and the density power spectrum is rather shallow, with a power-law slope of -0.7. Last, gravitationally-bound substructures follow a mass distribution with a -1.8 slope, similar to that of CO clumps. These simulations thus suggest a universality of gravity-driven isothermal turbulent cascade in disk galaxies across cosmic time.
disk galaxies,isothermal turbulence cascade,gravity-driven
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