Cognitive and Mood Effect of Alpha-Lipoic Acid Supplementation in a Nonclinical Elder Sample: An Open-Label Pilot Study.

International journal of environmental research and public health(2023)

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BACKGROUND:Memory disorders are common among elder people, and nonclinical cognitive decline is commonly experienced with age. Preclinical investigations have explored the possible role of alpha-lipoic acid (ALA), a known antioxidant compound abundant in vegetables and animal tissues, in reducing oxidative stress in the aging brain and preventing cognitive decline. However, clinical evidence is limited, and the few existing results are contrasting. In addition, while most of the existing trials have been focused on the effects of ALA administration in Alzheimer's disease (AD) or other types of dementia, studies evaluating its effects on nonclinical elder population are still missing. METHODS:In the present open-label, pilot study, fifteen elder patients (mean age: 84.5 ± 5.77) received ALA at a daily dose of 600 mg/day for 12 weeks. General cognitive function, executive function, and mood symptom assessment were carried out at baseline and at the endpoint. RESULTS:Overall, ALA administration was generally well-tolerated (only one dropout due to gastrointestinal side effects). However, no statistically significant effects either on cognitive function, executive function, or mood were found. CONCLUSIONS:Despite several limitations, our study found no evidence of positive effects on cognition and mood after ALA administration in elder people without the diagnosis of AD or cognitive impairment. Further clinical trials are needed to better investigate ALA effectiveness on cognition and mood in elder subjects.
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Key words
ALA,alpha-lipoic acid,cognition,executive functions,memory,nutraceutics
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