Differential patterns of automatic segmentation of 3T and 7T MRI: Implications in neuropsychiatric disease


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Automatic segmentation was performed on T1-MPRAGE structural MRI data acquired at 3T and 7T from 37 and 69 distinct healthy controls, respectively. Additionally, segmentation was performed on imaging acquired from 215 major depressive disorder (MDD) patients at 3T and 40 MDD patients at 7T. Of 259 segmentation-derived imaging features evaluated, 120 showed significant 3T vs. 7T differences among controls, and 153 among patients. 7T imaging metrics showed consistently lower cortical thickness and cortical gray/white matter ratios. Subcortical and cortical volumes measured at 7T were more mixed, with 7T images showing greater frontal lobe volume, but lower cortical volumes elsewhere. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
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Key words
neuropsychiatric disease,mri,automatic segmentation
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