A DSP-Purposed REconfigurable Acceleration Machine (DREAM) for High Energy Efficiency MIMO Signal Processing

IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers(2023)

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The wireless baseband processing algorithms are still developing and show a great diversity. The development of ASIC implementations cannot quickly adapt to the evolution of algorithms and standards. Meanwhile, the general-purpose processors cannot meet the real-time requirements in some scenarios. This paper proposes a DSP-purposed REconfigurable Acceleration Machine (DREAM) core for wireless baseband digital signal processing, which has a good trade-off between flexibility and performance. First, we abstract a set of shared operators with a moderate granularity from a variety of wireless MIMO signal processing algorithms. Then, we propose a two-step configuration process to reduce the size of the required reconfiguration bits. Besides, we design a conflict-free address generator to transfer data between the on-chip scratchpad memory and reconfiguration processing elements with high efficiency and high throughput. Finally, the prototype DREAM core has been implemented in TSMC CMOS 28 nm, and its area and power consumption have been analyzed. The chip has great flexibility in supporting a variety of wireless MIMO processing algorithms and a wide range of MIMO scales. The proposed DREAM core can achieve the normalized area efficiency and the normalized energy efficiency of $0.67~Gbps/MGE$ and $15.05~Gbps/W$ , which are $1.56\times $ and $4.18\times $ those of state-of-the-art reconfigurable implementations when running the WeJi-based MIMO detection algorithm.
Coarse-grained reconfigurable architecture (CGRA),MIMO signal processing,MIMO detection,MIMO precoding,reconfiguration process,conflict-free accessing
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