Genetic variation of Picea abies in response to the artificial inoculation of Heterobasidion parviporum

European journal of forest research(2023)

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Norway spruce Picea abies is one of Europe’s most economically important tree species. However, it is highly susceptible to the root rot fungus Heterobasidion parviporum . Climate change will benefit the pathogen as the tree host is weakened by, e.g., extended drought. Breeding can improve forest health, and several root rot genetic markers are suggested to improve the resistance of Norway spruce. This study aimed to compare the resistance (here defined as necrosis length) of Norway spruce families and genotypes against two strains of H. parviporum under different water availabilities. Our results show that the family and the genotype within the family have an impact on the necrosis length that is related to the aggressiveness of the fungal strains. Under low water conditions, the necrosis increased only in horizontal directions in phloem and sapwood. Similarly, the growth (seedling height) was not disturbed by abiotic stress (less water), indicating that the stress level (drought) was too low in this setting. The knowledge gained in this study could improve forest health in the changing climate by understanding the response of Norway spruce to pathogenic attacks under additional stress at the family level. This knowledge could be strategically used in forest breeding to improve the resistance of Norway spruce trees against root rot.
Drought stress,Fungi–host relationship,Genotypic variation,Necrosis,Norway spruce,Root rot
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