Current Evidence on Vasa Previa without Velamentous Cord Insertion or Placental Morphological Anomalies (Type III Vasa Previa): Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.


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Vasa previa carries a high risk of severe fetal morbidity and mortality due to fetal hemorrhage caused by damage to unprotected fetal cord vessels upon membrane rupture. Vasa previa is generally classified into types I and II. However, some cases are difficult to classify, and some studies have proposed a type III classification. This study aimed to review the current evidence on type III vasa previa. A systematic literature search was conducted, and 11 articles (2011-2022) were included. A systematic review showed that type III vasa previa accounts for 5.7% of vasa previa cases. Thirteen women with type III vasa previa were examined at a patient-level analysis. The median age was 35 (interquartile range [IQR] 31.5-38) years, and approximately 45% were assisted reproductive technology (ART) pregnancies. The median gestational week of delivery was 36 (IQR 34-37) weeks; the antenatal detection rate was 84.6%, and no cases reported neonatal death. The characteristics and obstetric outcomes (rate of ART, antenatal diagnosis, emergent cesarean delivery, gestational age at delivery, and neonatal mortality) were compared between types I and III vasa previa, and all outcomes of interest were similar. The current evidence on type III vasa previa is scanty, and further studies are warranted.
accessory lobes,assisted reproductive technique,bilobed placenta,succenturiate lobes,type III vasa previa,vasa previa,velamentous cord insertion
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