First metal and metalloid study assessment for the Black Triggerfish Melichthys niger (Bloch, 1786): Baseline data from a pristine South Atlantic oceanic island.

Marine pollution bulletin(2023)

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Metal and metalloid concentrations in Black Triggerfish, Melichthys niger (Tetraodontiformes, Balistidae), and sediments from Trindade Island, an isolated, pristine, and understudied environment in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean were determined. Several elements were detected in sediment, including Rare Earth Elements (REE). Hg and the REE Nd were, however, not detected. Elements determined in triggerfish are indicative of systemic circulation and the presence of toxic elements indicates an exposure source. No significant associations were detected between elements in fish organs and total length, suggesting no bioaccumulation with age, nor between organs and sediment, indicating probable dietary origin. Biliary excretion indicated a local chronic source of As and Cd and non-quantifiable REE elimination. Hg concentrations were over thresholds that affect fish biochemistry processes. These baseline data are valuable concerning elemental contamination in remote oceanic islands, with the potential to be applied to future biomonitoring efforts and conservation measures for reef ecosystems worldwide.
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