Professional competency profile of pedagogical students major in primary education - an employers' view

Huong Le Thi Thu,Ha Nguyen Thi Thu, Vinh Nguyen Huy, Hoa Do Thi

International Journal of Education and Social Science Research(2022)

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In order to improve the quality of training pedagogical students to meet the General Education Program 2018 and the requirements of employers, the bachelor's training programs in primary education at Thai Nguyen University of Education need to develop the profile of professional competency of graduates. On the basis of clarifying some concepts of competence, professional competency, primary teachers and referring to the professional standards of primary teachers of some countries in Southeast Asia, the authors have estimated the drafting competency profiles of graduates with a bachelor's degree in pedagogy majoring in primary education. This proposed profile has been consulted by 23 employers and is the basis for the professional competency profiles of pedagogical students in primary education at the Thai Nguyen University of Education. From the employer's point of view, pedagogical students of primary education upon graduation need to ensure the standards of knowledge, skills and capacity for autonomy, responsibility and are concretized by 15 output standards of students.
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primary education,pedagogical students major
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