
Polyamine metabolizing rhizobacteria Pseudomonas sp. GBPI_506 modulates hormone signaling to enhance lateral roots and nicotine biosynthesis in Nicotiana benthamiana

Plant physiology and biochemistry : PPB(2023)

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Beneficial rhizobacteria in the soil are important drivers of plant health and growth. In this study, we provide the draft genome of a root colonizing and auxin-producing Pseudomonas sp. strain GBPI_506. The bacterium was investigated for its contribution in the growth of Nicotiana benthamiana (Nb) and biosynthesis of nicotine. The bacterium showed chemotaxis towards root exudates potentially mediated by putrescine, a polyamine com-pound, to colonize the roots of Nb. Application of the bacterium with the roots of Nb, increased plant biomass and total soluble sugars in the leaves, and promoted lateral root (LR) development as compared to the un-inoculated plants. Confocal analysis using transgenic (DR5:GFP) Arabidopsis showed increased auxin traf-ficking in the LR of inoculated plants. Upregulation of nicotine biosynthesis genes and genes involved in salicylic acid (SA) and jasmonic acid (JA) signaling in the roots of inoculated plants suggested increased nicotine biosynthesis as a result of bacterial application. An increased JA content in roots and nicotine accumulation in leaves provided evidence on JA-mediated upregulation of nicotine biosynthesis in the bacterized plants. The findings suggested that the bacterial root colonization triggered networking between auxin, SA, and JA to facilitate LR development leading to enhanced plant growth and nicotine biosynthesis in Nb.
Rhizosphere,Putrescine,Root architecture,Nicotine,Phytohormones,Plant-bacterial interactions,Confocal microscopy
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