Research on the Traditional and Low-carbon Consumption Modes

Yang Yang, Ziwen Wang,Yuanying Chi,Rui Peng

Recent Patents on Engineering(2023)

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Background: With the increasing severity of ecological and environmental problems, determining how to develop a low-carbon economy has become the focus of scholarly research. As a necessary component of a low-carbon economy, the low-carbon consumption mode plays an important role in the sustainable development of all countries. In this paper, the existing research on the traditional and low-carbon consumption modes is sorted out, the differences between the two consumption modes are compared and analyzed, and relevant suggestions for the low-carbon transformation of the consumption mode are put forward. Objective: To put forward the path from the traditional consumption mode of residents to the lowcarbon consumption mode. Results: In order to minimize the harm to the ecological environment, the low-carbon transformation of the consumption mode should be actively carried out. Conclusion: The low-carbon transformation of the consumption mode of residents can be realized from three perspectives, namely cultivating the low-carbon consumption awareness of residents, establishing and perfecting the supervision system, and guiding the low-carbon production of enterprises.
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