Changes in physical activity and alimentation habits during the initial phase of the covid-19 pandemic: a descriptive transversal study

Revista Brasileira de Prescrição e Fisiologia do Exercício(2023)

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Background: Physical exercise and healthy alimentation are considered the two basic columns for a healthy life. This study, objected to describe the impact of physical distancing in the initial phase of the COVID-19 pandemic on these habits in an adult population well known for its high prevalence of overweight and its associated chronic diseases in Brazil. Materials and Method: From May to July 2020, a digital survey was released, questioning about general health, diet and physical activity before and during decreed pandemic restrictions. Results: The majority (56%) of the 1739 respondents fitted the WHO classification criteria for overweight and obesity, 42% reported chronic morbidities and increased body weight since March 2020 (48%). The number of people not practicing any physical exercise had doubled in only three months (from 25% to 48% after March 2020) and time spend sedentary at work (38%) as well as in work-free times had increased (76%). Alimentation routines adapted partly worrisome habits like introducing more vespertine snacks between main meals but also positive changes like cooking at home (53%), and higher consumption of natural products (34%). Conclusion: Considering the age distribution of the participants (67% < 40 years of age), access to digital media, high educational level (77% with university degree), good to excellent basic sanitation (97%), the observed habit changes in only three months are concerning. It shows that even socially privileged people struggle to adapt healthy routines in times of crisis.
sars-cov-2,obesity,physical activity,sedentary behavior,nutrition
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