Using empirical negative cumulative extropy and image quality assessment to determine the accumulation of elements in marine organisms


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In this study, the assessment of metals absorption capacity by macroalgae using image analysis was investigated for the first time and compared with fish bioaccumulatio. Empirical cumulative entropy (ECE), and also empirical negative cumulative extropy (ENCEX) were used as a newly introduced (information-based) indices. The regression equation was obtained between fish tissue-seawater in muscle of Sphyraena putnamiae (ENCEX=0.2001BAF; R2=0.96); In the case of muscle of Liza subviridis, the regression model was as (ENCEX=0.1950BAF; R2=0.93). The regression equation was obtained between algae-sediment (ENCEXH. hamulosa=0.2695BAF; R2=0.97). The studied indices showed a high accumulation of Hypnea hamu-losa compared to the other algae (ECE=0.2601; ENCEX=0.3995). IQA method showed the same result exhibiting that the algae can be evaluated as a bio-indicator of element accumulation using image analysis. Image analysis can help us find macro algae with high absorption capacity without laboratory examinations.
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Key words
Macro algae,Bioaccumulation factor (BAF),Heavy metal,Persian Gulf
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