ISO 15489 Attributes Prioritization in Electronic Document Management System of the First Level Healthcare Facilities

2022 Seventh International Conference on Informatics and Computing (ICIC)(2022)

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First Level Healthcare Facilities in Indonesia face many challenges to record and manage their medical and nonmedical data or information in a systematic location. Healthcare Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) is one of the solutions to create, store, track, discover, and manage massive documents that the institutions needed. However, most prior studies and practitioners focused only on the patient's medical records regarding their information privacy. Meanwhile, healthcare institutions have massive types of documents concerning the business process, healthcare service, regulations, and mandates that are updated over time. Thus, ISO 15489 as an international standard records management system may be used to provide better records governance in first-level healthcare facilities. This study aims to investigate the perception of ISO 15489 adaptation in healthcare EDMS using systematic literature reviews within research communities. The results show the security of the records system, records metadata's information conserved and records document reliability are the most important characteristics of ISO 15489 when adapted in healthcare EDMS. The results of this study may be used as a benchmark in prioritizing ISO 15489 characteristics during EDMS development and maintenance, as well as institutional records governance.
electronic document management system,iso 15489,healthcare system,systematic literature review
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