Alterations in deglutition in children with congenital Zika virus syndrome


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Purpose: To characterize swallowing in children with congenital Zika virus syndrome in comparison to typical children. Methods: This cross-sectional study enrolled 45 children diagnosed with congenital Zika virus syndrome and 45 others with typical development. Swallowing was evaluated through clinical feeding evaluations Protocolo de Avaliacao Clinica da Disfagia Pediatrica and using acoustic swallowing parameters (Doppler sonar). Results: The mean age of children with congenital Zika virus syndrome was 26.69 +/- 4.46 months and the mean head circumference was 29.20 +/- 1.98 cm. Moderate/severe oropharyngeal dysphagia was found in 32(71.1%) of the children with congenital Zika virus syndrome. Significant differences were found between the groups on clinical evaluation: Children with congenital Zika virus syndrome presented insufficient lip closure 42(93.3%) and altered tonus of the tongue 35(77.8%) and cheeks 34(75.6%). In the children in the comparison group, only 6(13.3%) presented insufficient lip closure and 1(2.2%) had inadequate tongue posture. Changes during swallowing with liquid and spoonable food were not observed in the comparison group. When liquid/food was offered, affected children presented difficulties in sipping movements 14(77.8%) and lip/spoon contact 35(75%). The presence of residual food in the oral cavity after swallowing 38(86.4%) and clinical signs indicative of laryngotracheal penetration/aspiration, such as coughing, gagging and/or labored breathing, were also notable. No differences were found between the groups with regard to the acoustic parameters evaluated instrumentally. Conclusion: Children with congenital Zika virus syndrome present alterations in the oral phase of swallowing, as well as clinical signs indicative of pharyngeal phase impairment.
congenital zika virus syndrome,deglutition
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