Formation of Dune Field Landscape in North and North-West China during Plio-Pleistocene Transition (4–2 Ma) and the Long-term Evolution

Huayu Lu,Zhiwei Xu, Wenchao Zhang,Hanzhi Zhang, Xiaoyong Wang,Shuangwen Yi, Qi Lu, Bo Wu,Yali Zhou,Yao Wang, Xiaojian Zhang,Han Feng,Xi Chang,Mengchun Cui, Nana Lv,Hanlin Wang,Xianyan Wang

Sand Dunes of the Northern Hemisphere(2023)

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In this chapter we use a comprehensive approach to analyze the formation and development of the dune field landscape in north and northwest China. We argue that the dune field landscape was established as a result of the long-term evolution of tectonic deformation and uplift, climatic drying and cooling, and intensified physical weathering in the Asian interior. The results often challenge the conclusion derived from analysis of a single site or area, and it is hoped that our conclusions will contribute to an improved understanding the landform surface processes, dust emission, and the resulting climatic impact in Asia. We have investigated more than 100 depositional sequences within the dune field and desert and the Chinese Loess Plateau, all of which were logged in detail in the field. Most of the sections were sampled for dating by independent optically stimulated luminescence and magnetostratigraphy analysis; and in addition proxy indicators such as magnetic susceptibility, grain-size distribution and stable carbon isotopic composition were analysed, in order to reconstruct climatic changes.
dune field landscape,north-west,plio-pleistocene,long-term
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