The grapevine phenology and the climate changes in tarnave vineyard


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In the context of climate change, the paper presents an analysis of the evolution of grapevine phenophases, in the period 1991-2021, for four grapevine cultivars Selena, Blasius, Rubin and Radames, and two clones Sauvignon blanc 9 Bl, Feteasca alba 29 Bl homologated at SCDVV Blaj. The study is based on the climatic and phenological data from SCDVV Blaj. The climatic data have been processed into fourteen parameters and for the phenological periods the starting date was analyzed. Regarding the average annual temperature, during 2010-2021 there is an increase of 1.1 degrees C compared to the multiannual average reference temperature (calculated as the annual average of the years 1975-2010), which means that in the studied area, during the period 2010-2021 there was a warming compared to reference years. The average duration of the vegetation period from 2010-2021 is shorter than the reference period by 3.2 days. In 2011 the annual aridity index denotes a semi-arid dry climate, and in 2012, 2015, 2017 and 2019 a moderately humid climate. The hydrothermal coefficient was higher in the studied period compared to the reference period, registering values between 1.0 (2011) and 2.8 (2016), which has a positive influence on grape production. The Huglin index for the studied period is between 2237.6 in 2021 and 2928.5 in 2012, with an average of 2542.6 which places Tarnave vineyard area in a warm climate zone. Concerning the precipitation, a slight increase of 34.7 mm/m(2) compared to the multiannual reference amount was monitored. In these conditions the warming of the climate induced an earlier budburst with an average of 8 days, correlated with an earlier maturation with 9-11 days in average. So far for the blooming and veraison phenophases starting date, no differences of the outrunning were clearly observed.
grapevine phenophases,Tarnave vineyard,climatic parameters,climate change
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