Spectroscopy of the T=3/2 A=47 and A=45 mirror nuclei via one- and two-nucleon knockout reactions

S. Uthayakumaar,M. A. Bentley,E. C. Simpson, T. Haylett, R. Yajzey,S. M. Lenzi,W. Satula,D. Bazin, J. Belarge,P. C. Bender, P. J. Davies, B. Elman,A. Gade,H. Iwasaki, D. Kahl, N. Kobayashi, B. Longfellow, S. J. Lonsdale, E. Lunderberg, L. Morris,D. R. Napoli, T. G. Parry, X. Pereira-Lopez,F. Recchia,J. A. Tostevin,R. Wadsworth, D. Weisshaar


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Level schemes of the proton-rich nuclei, Mn-47 (Z = 25, N = 22) and Cr-45 (Z = 24, N = 21), have been established for the first time. The technique of mirrored one- and two-nucleon knockout reactions was applied to the secondary beams of V-48/Mn-48 and V-47/Cr-47 to populate states in Ti-47/Mn-47 and Sc-45/Cr-45, respectively. Mirror energy differences (MED) have been studied between the mirrored T = 3/2 states for both mirror pairs and interpreted using both a shell-model approach and a density-functional-theory approach using the no-core configuration-interaction method. MED in this mass region provide a stringent test of the model prescriptions since both integral p- and sd-shell orbitals are active and, in Cr-45, spherical and well-deformed structures coexist near the ground state. The inclusive and exclusive one-nucleon removal cross sections have been determined for the populated states in Ti-47/Mn-47 and compared with results from reaction-model calculations.
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