Multipath mitigation for improving GPS narrow-lane uncalibrated phase delay estimation and speeding up PPP ambiguity resolution


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Precise point positioning (PPP) has been recognized as a powerful tool for various geophysical applications. However, the long convergence time required to resolve a reliable ambiguity impedes its further application in time-critical scenarios. Although PPP ambiguity resolution (AR) can shorten the convergence time, its performance is subject to the quality of float ambiguity estimates and the uncalibrated phase delay (UPD), which can be contaminated by multipath errors. Furthermore, the observation residuals derived from PPP are very likely to be affected by the common-mode error (CME), thereby deteriorating the multipath modeling accuracy. The principal component analysis (PCA) is employed to mitigate the CME effect, and the multipath is modeled using a multipath hemispherical map (MHM). Consequently, the narrow-lane (NL) UPDs with multipath correction have better temporal stability and residual distributions than those without correction. Compared with sidereal filtering (SF), the MHM0.5 has comparable residual variance reduction percentages, indicating its capability of capturing high-frequency multipath. For static PPP AR, the averaged time to first fix (TTFF) can be reduced by 24.2% to about 26 min and the convergence time can be achieved within 16.2 min after multipath correction. The pseudorange multipath correction significantly contributes to shortening the TTFF and convergence time. Reducing the resolution of MHM increases the risk of extending the TTFF. For kinematic PPP AR with MHM0.5, the convergence time exhibits a remarkable improvement when compared with that of the uncorrected case (21.7 min versus 40.2 min), and 20% of the stations achieve convergence within 10 min. Meanwhile, a few stations only take one minute to achieve convergence. The contribution of the multipath correction to the fixing rate is comparatively small. After applying MHM0.5, the kinematic positioning accuracies are improved by 35.7%, 12.6%, and 24.4% to 1.26, 1.39, and 2.73 cm for the east, north, and up components, respectively.
Multipath mitigation,Common-mode error,Precise point positioning,Ambiguity resolution,Uncalibrated phase delay
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