Memantine increases dendritic arborization of immature neurons after irradiation with no evidence of disruption in the normal brain function

Georgios Alkis Zisiadis,Carlos Rodrigues, Giussy Pizzirusso,Luis Arroyo-Garcia, Ahmed Osman,Klas Blomgren


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Abstract Cranial irradiation (IR) is a cornerstone in the treatment of high-grade pediatric brain tumors. While lifesaving, it is associated with severe sequalae in 50-90 % of the survivors, as they often show disabling cognitive dysfunction, declined IQ, impaired processing speed, anxiety and posttraumatic stress symptoms, resulting in poorer academic accomplishments and social isolation. Memantine (Mem) is a non-competitive NMDA receptor antagonist and a potent enhancer of neural plasticity. While an improvement in cognition in post-IR cancer survivors and in synaptic plasticity in association to hippocampal neurogenesis have been documented, the exact mechanisms underlying Mem’s actions are poorly understood. The goal of this project is to further dissect the actions of Mem and identify factors that contribute to hippocampal neurogenesis. To this end, 20-day-old C57BL6/J mice were subjected to a single dose of 7 Gy whole brain irradiation and then supplied with Mem in the drinking water (10 mg/kg/day) to obtain a steady-state plasma concentration of the drug. Two weeks after IR, Sholl analysis of the morphology of the newborn neurons of Mem treated animals showed a statistically significant increase in coverage area (500 µm2 vs. 250 µm2, p < 0,0001) and number of dendrites (15 vs. 5, p < 0,0001) compared to non-treated individuals. Bulk-RNA sequencing analysis revealed 9 differentially expressed genes (alpha=0.1) between the hippocampal cell populations of Mem and vehicle-treated IR mice, which are related to protein folding and the programmed cell death machinery. At six weeks after IR, Mem treatment maintains the gamma oscillatory dynamics in the hippocampal CA3 region (~2x10-9 V2 in non-IR, ~1x109 V2 in IR), but with no apparent recovery to the sham levels. These results emphasize the strong neurogenic effect that Mem exerts on the surviving newborn neurons, while also highlighting Mem’s low toxicity and impact on the normal function of the brain.
immature neurons,dendritic arborization,memantine,irradiation
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