On the existence of nonlinear coupled surface TE- and leaky TM-electromagnetic waves in a circular cylindrical waveguide

Известия высших учебных заведений. Поволжский регион: Физико-математические науки(2022)

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Background. The purpose of this research is to study the process of propagation of coupled surface TE and leaky TM of polarized electromagnetic waves in the Goubau line (an ideally conducting cylinder covered with a concentric dielectric layer) filled with an inhomogeneous nonlinear medium. Materials and methods. To obtain a numerical solution to the problem, the method of Green function is used. Results. Transformation of coupled surface TE and leaky TM of polarized electromagnetic waves in the Goubau line is found. Conclusion. This method is an efficient way to analyze coupled surface TE and leaky TM waves.
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Key words
inhomogeneous waveguide,goubau line,maxwell's equations,surface waves,leaky waves,coupled waves,nonlinear two-parameter eigenvalue problem
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