Marriage Patterns Among Portuguese-Brazilian Couples


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This paper presents the evolution and most relevant characteristics of binational (Portuguese/ Brazilian) same-sex marriages in Portugal, from 2010 to 2020, comparing them with the binational heterosexual ones. The analysis was based on marriage micro-data published by the National Statistics Office. Data reveals that the increase of binational marriages has been more significant among samesex couples than among heterosexual couples; binational same-sex couples are younger than heterosexual ones, although they also record lower levels of age-related homogamy, and are more qualified than hetero couples. Hetero binational couples engaged more frequently in cohabitation before marriage and tend to opt for shared estate ownership. This study enables a diagnosis of the present situation and constitutes a contribution to knowledge surrounding the marriage market within groups that are minorities not only as immigrants but also as homosexuals.
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Key words
same-sex marriages,binational marriages,transnational relationships,marriage patterns
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