Covid-19 and the influence of social restriction on physical activity among children and adolescents

Suedem Andrade Milani, João Vítor Borges Xavier da Rosa, Ricardo Pereira Alcântara Junior,Guilherme dos Santos, Ricardo Dios Carril Filho,Paulo Carrara,Alessandro Hervaldo Nicolai Ré

Journal of Physical Education(2022)

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ABSTRACT The objectives of this study were to verify the influence of the procedures adopted to contain the Covid-19 pandemic on the levels of physical activity (PA) of children and adolescents, as well as to check if there are any differences between the sexes and age groups. A quick literature review was carried out by means of a search in journals available in the PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science databases, using the following keywords: Children, Adolescents, Physical Exercise, Physical Activity, and Covid-19. Of the 449 studies identified, 17 were selected by the criterion of containing data referring to before and during the social restriction period in the same study. With the exception of one article, the synthesis of results indicated a decrease in PA levels and an increase in time spent on screen activities during the social restriction period, in greater proportions for adolescents and for females. Results are similar among countries in the same region than comparing different continents, due to differences in the sociocultural environment in which young people live, mainly encouraged by their guardians. From a public health point of view, there should be a concern about the continuity of this pattern of behavior after the end of the pandemic, which would further increase the risk of already existing problems, such as delays in motor development, overweight, obesity, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes in adulthood.
Childhood,Adolescence,Physical Activity,Sedentary Behavior,Coronavirus
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