Evaluation of a Formative Intervention on Sexuality and Gender for Early Childhood Education Teachers

Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto)(2022)

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Abstract The themes of sexuality and gender must be addressed at all stages of schooling. However, there is a certain invisibility during childhood, as well as a lack of interventions focused on educators. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of a formative intervention about sexuality and gender in teachers of Early Childhood Education, in relation to the level of prejudice and attitudes related to sexual and gender diversity, gender roles, and educational competences for working with LGBT students. In total, 37 teachers participated in the study. Descriptive statistics and bivariate analyses were performed in the form of parametric tests (paired samples t-tests) and a thematic analysis. The intervention was positively evaluated, the prejudice level was significantly reduced and there was an immediate effect in relation to the application of knowledge. We suggest the development of interventions on subtle manifestations of prejudice towards sexual diversity and gender roles.
formative intervention,sexuality,teachers,early childhood,gender
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