Stimulating Reproductive Functions at Acyclic Cows by Ovsynch and Select Synch Protocols

Scientific Papers Animal Science and Biotechnologies(2023)

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The purpose of our work was to compare the efficiency of two programs for the induction and synchronization of estrous and ovulation in acyclic cows (Ovsynch and Select Synch). To the first batch of 18 cows we have given 2ml Cystorelin (100 mcg GnRH) on day 0, on day 7th 2ml Estrumate (500 mcg of Cloprostenol, on the ninth day we administered 2ml Cystorelin (100 mcg GnRH), after 16 hours we conducted artificial insemination. To the second group of 14 cows we have given 2ml Cystorelin (100 mcg GnRH) on day 0, on day 7th we administered 2ml Estrumate (500 mcg of cloprostenol), heat detection was made at 24-48 hours after PGF2α and continued 5 to 7 days. Cows were inseminated at 8-12 hours after estrous detection. 60 days after the artificial insemination, 11 cows (44%) of the first group and 9 cows (41%) of the second batch were diagnosed as pregnant. These two protocols of inducing and synchronizing estrous are very effective in acyclic cows.
acyclic cows,ovsynch,select synch
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