The Application of Lamda-Mu-Rho Seismic Inversion for Conglomerate Reservoir Characterization in Melandong Field, Northwest Java Basin

Journal of Aceh Physics Society(2016)

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Lamda (λ) Mu (μ) Rho (ρ) seismic inversion method has been applied to identify the distribution of conglomerate reservoir in Melandong Field, Northwest Java Basin. This research used 3D pre-stack time migration seismic dataset with one well data and a checkshot data. A sensitivity test analysis was done to see the validity of the dataset and well seismic tie has been applied before generating a background model for the inversion processes. The outcomes of this research show that Lamda Rho ( λρ) inversion can be used to detect the presence of hydrocarbon in a conglomerate rock and it is shown by value ranging between 33- 39 (GPA*(Gr/cc)). Besides that, Mu Rho (μρ) inversion can indicate the rock type and it shows that conglomerate has higher value (26 – 32 (GPA*(Gr/cc)) than claystone (20-26 (GPA*(Gr/cc)). By combining both Lamda-Rho and Mu-Rho inversion results, the distribution of the reservoir rock and hydrocarbon can easily be detected and mapped.
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