Caring practices of medical interns for chronically ill patients at Jimma University Medical Center: A cross- sectional study

Al Ameen Journal of Medical Sciences(2022)

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Background: The increasing prevalence of chronic disease and death from those diseases in both developed and developing countries is a considerable concern to numerous international organizations. Data on practice of medical interns in chronically ill patient care is deficient in Ethiopia. Objective: this study is aimed to assess the knowledge, attitude, and practices of medical interns in caring for chronically ill patients at Jimma University Medical Centre. Method: Across-sectional study was conducted with self-administered approach for data collection. Multiple regression was done and P-value <0.05 was considered for statistical significance. Result: 235 medical interns were participated among which 173(73.6%) are male. More than half 126(53.6%) of the participants had good knowledge, 159(67.7%) had positive attitude, and 95(40.4% had good practice. Medical interns who were working in a medical ward [AOR=0.403 95% CI: 0.170-0.956 had better practice. Medical interns in ≤24 years old were almost three times more likely to better practice than those >25years old [AOR=2.757 95% CI: 1.391-5.465]. Conclusion: Caring practice medical interns for chronically ill patient is low. This finding clearly indicates the importance of better follow up of caring practice of medical interns for chronically ill patients.
chronically ill patient,chronic disease,care practice
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