To studying the phenomenon of photoelectric effect and its laws in the course of physics in secondary schools

Profesìonalìzm Pedagoga: Teoretičnì j Metodičnì Aspekti(2018)

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The article addresses the issue of studying phenomenon of photoelectric effect and its laws in the course of Physics in secondary schools. This issue is relevant as Physics contributes to understanding processes and laws that take place in the nature. From the standpoint of teaching quantum physics is important because the main quantum concepts and laws are developed and database for storing learning materials of such sections as static physics, physics of solid body is being developed. The authors analyses a number of researches that allow to point out the main problems of emergence and development of students’ quantum view while studying quantum physics, physics of atom and atom core. The article is aimed at defining the unity and contradictions of quantum physical processes and phenomena while learning microworld in the course of Physics and determining the content of learning activity that should be presented to students while studying phenomenon of photoelectric effect and its laws as an example of displaying quantum qualities of the light. The authors suggest the materials of the theme ‘Photoelectric effect’, laws of photoelectric effect, theory of photoelectric effect that can be studied while teaching this theme. The learning content that is represented in the article can be applied for revising, studying and summarizing learning material. The article also contains the examples of tasks for homework. It can be concluded that the article has a great practical content that can be implemented in educational process of secondary comprehensive schools while teaching Physics.
photoelectric effect,light quants,photon,laws of photoelectric effect,Einstein equals,quantum physics,quantum theory
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