Effect of optical illumination and magnetic field on the electroconductive and polarization properties of clathrate GaSe>, synthesized under lighting

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences(2022)

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GaSe> clathrate with a hierarchical subhost> type architecture was formed under illumination and its electrically conductive properties were studied. The method of impedance spectroscopy studied the frequency behavior of the real and imaginary parts of the complex total impedance in the range of 10 -3-10 6 Hz. The measurements were performed under normal conditions, in a permanent magnetic field (220 kA/m), or under light illumination (for a standard solar spectrum AM 1.5 G total available power is 982 W/m 2). The structure of the impurity energy spectrum at the Fermi level was investigated by the method of thermostimulated discharge in the temperature range from 240 to 340 K. Using Jebol-Pollack theoretical approaches based on impedance spectra, the parameters of the impurity energy spectrum were calculated, such as the density of states at the Fermi level, the jump radius , the scatter of trap levels near the Fermi level and the real density of deep traps. As evidenced by studies, illumination during clathrate synthesis, forms an internal electret polarization, which leads to abnormal behavior of the photoresistive effect and to the appearance of the memristive effect. The imposition of a permanent magnetic field during the measurement of complex resistance leads to the appearance of quantum capacitance.
GaSe, thiourea, anthracene, clathrate, impedance spectroscopy, quantum capacitance, memristive effect
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