Analysis of a Pollution Transmission Process in Hefei City Based on Mobile Lidar

Zhang Shuai, Zhou Zhaoming,Ye Conglei, Shi Jibing, Wang Peng,Liu Dong

EPJ Web of Conferences(2020)

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The air pollution has been regional in China with the development of economy. To monitoring the air pollution transmission, a new technique, mobile lidar system (GBQ-S01), was introduced. In this paper, a pollution transmission process happened on October 26th, 2017, was analyzed with the use of mobile lidar, air quality monitoring stations data, and Hysplit backward trajectories. The results showed that the polluted air mass was transferred from northeast under the force of air pressure. Under the influences of air pollution transmission and bad meteorological diffusion conditions, The PM10 quality concentrations in Hefei increased a lot within 5 hours; among all the 10 national air quality monitoring stations, the Luyang District (the northernmost one) and Changjiang Middle Road (the easternmost one) received the most serious impact with PM10 concentration reached up to 252 μg/m3 and 219 μg/m3 at 22:00 (Beijing Time).
mobile lidar,pollution transmission process,hefei city
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