Computer Vision Based Navigation Robot

Manula Haputhanthri, Charana Himasha, Hansi Balasooriya, Malithi Herath,Samantha Rajapaksha,S.M.B. Harshanath

2022 7th International Conference on Information Technology Research (ICITR)(2022)

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The majority of industrial environments and homewares need help when exploring unknown locations owing to a lack of understanding about the building structure and the various impediments that may be faced while transporting products from one spot to another. This is because there is a lack of knowledge about the building structure and the potential obstacles that may be encountered. This paper provides “Computer Vision-Based Navigation Robot” as a strategy for indoor navigation with optimal accessibility, usability, and security, decreasing issues that the user may encounter when traveling through indoor and outdoor areas with real-time monitoring of the most up to date IoT technology. The article is titled “Indoor Navigation with Optimal Accessibility, Usability, and Security.” This article proposes “Computer Vision-Based Navigation Robot” as a solution for interior navigation that provides optimum accessibility, usability, and security. This is done in order to tackle the issue that was presented before. Since the readers of this post include people who work in industry as well as physically challenged people who live alone, CVBN Robot takes object-based inputs from its surroundings. This is because the audience for this essay includes both groups of people. This study also covers a variety of methods for localization, sensors for the detection of obstacles, and a protocol for an Internet of Things connection between the server and the robot. This connection enables real-time position and status updates for the robot as it navigates a known but unknown interior environment. In addition, this study covers a variety of methods for localization, sensors for the detection of obstacles, and a protocol for an Internet of Things connection between the server and the robot.
computer vision,localization,navigation,obstacle,IoT,CVBN,protocol
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