Perspektif Sosiokultural Nelayan Kedung Cowek Terhadap Pandemi Covid-19 di Surabaya

Jurnal Kebijakan Sosial Ekonomi Kelautan dan Perikanan(2022)

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Selepas periode puncak pandemi Covid-19, pemerintah menghimbau masyarakat untuk segera kembali pada kehidupan normal dalam rangka percepatan pemulihan ekonomi pasca pandemi. Himbauan dikeluarkan menyusul masa-masa sulit di mana selama 1,5 tahun pergerakan masyarakat terkendala oleh kebijakan pemerintah yang membatasi kegiatan ekonomi dan sosial. Dengan aktivitas sosial dan ekonomi yang sangat masif di masa normal dan karenanya mengalami tekanan yang signifikan pada masa pandemi, kasus komunitas nelayan Kedung Cowek di Kota Surabaya memberi pelajaran baik untuk penerapan kebijakan serupa di masa yang akan datang. Dengan latar belakang tersebut, penelitian bertujuan menganalisis situasi kehidupan sosial ekonomi masyarakat pesisir Kedung Cowek terkait dengan pandemi dilihat dari perpektif sosiokultural. Penelitian dilakukan pada tahun 2021 menggunakan metodologi kualitatif, yang menerapkan analisis data etnografi dan mengacu pada kerangka pemikiran trinitas strategi Carl von Clausewitz dan etnografi baru James Spradley. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara mendalam dengan tokoh masyarakat yang terdiri atas pejabat pemerintah kelurahan, komunitas nelayan, dan masyarakat umum di lokasi penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa: (1) pandemi tidak mengubah cara pandang dan perilaku masyarakat nelayan terkait ekonomi dan lingkungan; nelayan tetap melaut meskipun ada himbauan pembatasan, (2) terjadi fenomena resistensi masyarakat terhadap himbauan pembatasan kegiatan terkait pandemi Covid-19, dan (3) masyarakat nelayan memiliki resiliensi sosiokultural yang menyebabkan pandemi tidak terpengaruh secara fundamental. Implikasi kebijakan dari penelitian ini pentingnya memandang perpektif sosiokultural masyarakat sebagai sebuah aspek penting yang karenanya perlu diakomodasikan sebagai salah satu konsideran utama dalam penerapan kebijakan terkait kondisi kebencanaan seperti terjadi pada masa pandemi Covid-19. Tittle: Sociocultural Perspective of Fishermen Community in Kedung Cowek on Covid-19 Pandemic In Surabaya The COVID-19 pandemic has become a new challenge for businesses and communities around the world. In particular, the community is encouraged to resume their activities to support the post-pandemic economic recovery program. This advisory was issued after almost one and a half years the community was asked to limit many activities, especially economic and social activities. Kedung Cowek fishermen in Surabaya City are an example of a fishing community facing post-pandemic socioeconomic recovery. This study aims to 1) describe the economic activities of coastal communities during a pandemic and 2) their interactions with market traders during a pandemic. This study uses a qualitative methodology by analyzing ethnographic data taken from primary data sources through in-depth interviews with community leaders consisting of village government officials, fishing communities and the general public in Kedung Cowek Village. The analysis was carried out using the strategic trinity framework by Carl von Clausewitz and the new ethnography by James Spradley. This research was conducted in 2021 in Kedung Cowek Village, Surabaya City, as the center of the fishing community in Surabaya City. The results of this study found that (1) the pandemic did not change the perspective and behavior of the fishing village community towards the economy, as well as environmental cleanliness so that they continued to go to sea despite the call for restrictions and (2) there is a phenomenon of community resistance to the call for restrictions on activities related to the COVID-19 pandemic which is indicated by the characteristics of fishing communities who have sociocultural resilience so that they are not fundamentally affected. This case study leads to the conclusion that COVID-19 does not have a significant influence on the social behavior of the fishing community in Kedung Cowek Village in Surabaya.
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