Multi-phase gas interactions on subarcsec scales in the shocked IGM of Stephan's Quintet with JWST and ALMA


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We combine JWST and HST imaging with ALMA~CO(2-1) spectroscopy to study the highly turbulent multi-phase intergalactic medium (IGM) in Stephan's Quintet on 25-150 pc scales. Previous Spitzer observations revealed luminous H$_2$ line cooling across a 45 kpc-long filament, created by a giant shock-wave, following the collision with an intruder galaxy NGC~7318b. We demonstrate that the MIRI/F1000W/F770W filters are dominated by 0-0~S(3)~H$_2$ and a combination of PAH and 0-0~S(5)~H$_2$ emission. They reveal the dissipation of kinetic energy as massive clouds experience collisions, interactions and likely destruction/re-cycling within different phases of the IGM. In one kpc-scaled structure, warm H$_2$ formed a triangular-shaped head and tail of compressed and stripped gas behind a narrow shell of cold H$_2$. In another region, two cold molecular clumps with very different velocities are connected by an arrow-shaped stream of warm, probably shocked, H$_2$ suggesting a cloud-cloud collision is occurring. In both regions, a high warm-to-cold molecular gas fraction indicates that the cold clouds are being disrupted and converted into warm gas. We also map gas associated with an apparently forming dwarf galaxy. We suggest that the primary mechanism for exciting strong mid-IR H$_2$ lines throughout Stephan's Quintet is through a fog of warm gas created by the shattering of denser cold molecular clouds and mixing/recycling in the post-shocked gas. A full picture of the diverse kinematics and excitation of the warm H$_2$ will require future JWST mid-IR spectroscopy. The current observations reveal the rich variety of ways that different gas phases can interact with one another.
subarcsec scales,shocked igm,gas,multi-phase
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