Oil-in-Water Nanoemulsion Can Modulate the Fermentation, Fatty Acid Accumulation, and the Microbial Population in Rumen Batch Cultures.

Molecules (Basel, Switzerland)(2023)

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In this study, three oil-in-water nanoemulsions were tested in two stages: In the first stage, three levels (on the substrate dry matter (DM)), namely 3%, 6%, and 9%, of three different oils, olive oil (OO), corn oil (CO), and linseed oil (LO), in raw and nanoemulsified (N) forms were used separately in three consecutive rumen batch cultures trials. The second stage, which was based on the first stage's results, consisted of a batch culture trial that compared the raw and nanoemulsified (N) forms of all three oils together, provided at 3% of the DM. In the first stage, NOO, NCO, and NLO preserved higher unsaturated fatty acid (UFA) and less saturated fatty acid (SFA) compared to OO, CO, and LO, respectively; noticeably, NCO had UFA:SFA = 1.01, 1.16, and 1.34 compared to CO, which had UFA:SFA = 0.66, 0.69, and 0.72 when supplemented at 3%, 6%, 9% of DM, respectively. In the second stage, UFA:SFA = 1.04, 1.12, and 1.07 for NOO, NCO, NLO, as compared to UFA:SFA = 0.69, 0.68, and 0.72 for OO, CO, and LO supplemented at 3% of DM. In conclusion, oil-in-water nanoemulsions showed an ability to decrease the transformation of UFA to SFA in the biohydrogenation environment without affecting the rumen microorganisms.
fatty acids,fermentation,microbial population,nanoemulsion,oil,rumen
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