Future directions for adrenal insufficiency: cellular transplantation and genetic therapies.

The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism(2023)

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Primary adrenal insufficiency occurs in 1 in 5-7000 adults. Leading aetiologies are autoimmune adrenalitis in adults and congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) in children. Oral replacement of cortisol is lifesaving, but poor quality of life, repeated adrenal crises and dosing uncertainty related to lack of a validated biomarker for glucocorticoid sufficiency, persists. Adrenocortical cell therapy and gene therapy may obviate many of the shortcomings of adrenal hormone replacement. Physiological cortisol secretion regulated by pituitary adrenocorticotropin, could be achieved through allogeneic adrenocortical cell transplantation, production of adrenal-like steroidogenic cells from either stem cells or lineage conversion of differentiated cells, or for CAH, gene therapy to replace or repair a defective gene. The adrenal cortex is a high turnover organ and thus failure to incorporate progenitor cells within a transplant will ultimately result in graft exhaustion. Identification of adrenocortical progenitor cells is equally important in gene therapy where new genetic material must be specifically integrated into the genome of progenitors to ensure a durable effect. Delivery of gene editing machinery and a donor template, allowing targeted correction of the 21-hydroxylase gene, has the potential to achieve this. This review describes advances in adrenal cell transplants and gene therapy that may allow physiological cortisol production for children and adults with primary adrenal insufficiency.
Addison disease,Adrenal insufficiency,adrenal cortex,cell therapy,congenital adrenal hyperplasia,gene therapy
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