Gamma and X-ray irradiation as a phytosanitary treatment against various stages of Planococcus lilacinus (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae)

Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology(2022)

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The cacao mealybug, Planococcus lilacinus Cock, is an important quarantine pest. Infested commodity should be subject to appropriate phytosanitary treatment, while irradiation is recommended for the cacao mealybug. Radio-tolerance comparison tests were conducted on the crawler, nymphs, and adult females of P. lilacinus at the X-ray radiation doses of 40, 80, and 120 Gy, respectively. The results showed that irradiation had a strong effect on preventing of development and reproduction; the adult female stage was identified as the most tolerant. During the following dose–response tests, among young and late females X-ray-irradiation (20–100 Gy), the late females were most tolerant when preventing F1 generation 2nd instars emergence was used as the evaluation criterion. Minimum absorbed dose and its 95 % fiducial limits to provide probit 9 efficacy at 95 % confidence level (100 % mortality/inhibition in an estimated population of 93,616 individuals) were 131.5 Gy (122.5, 142.6 Gy) and 144.4 Gy (132.7, 159.4 Gy), estimating from the probit analysis on dose-mortality data of 1–30 and 1–10-day-old neonates laid by late females, respectively. In the large-scale confirmatory tests, a total of estimating 97,384 late females of P. lilacinus rearing on the pumpkins fruits were irradiated with gamma-ray at the target dose of 135 or 145 Gy (measured doses 126.1–163.0 Gy), which resulted in no F1 generation 2nd nymphs developing during a 6-week post-treatment period. The treatment efficacy calculated is 99.9969 % at the 95 % confidence level. Therefore, a minimum absorbed dose of 163.0 Gy is recommended for phytosanitary treatment of P. lilacinus in infested commodity.
Gamma irradiation,X-ray irradiation,Planococcus lilacinus,Phytosanitary treatment,Minimum absorbed dose,Confirmatory test
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