State Transfer in Complex Quantum Walks

arXiv (Cornell University)(2023)

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Given a graph with Hermitian adjacency matrix $H$, perfect state transfer occurs from vertex $a$ to vertex $b$ if the $(b,a)$-entry of the unitary matrix $\exp(-iHt)$ has unit magnitude for some time $t$. This phenomenon is relevant for information transmission in quantum spin networks and is known to be monogamous under real symmetric matrices. We prove the following results: 1. For oriented graphs (whose nonzero weights are $\pm i$), the oriented $3$-cycle and the oriented edge are the only graphs where perfect state transfer occurs between every pair of vertices. This settles a conjecture of Cameron et al. On the other hand, we construct an infinite family of oriented graphs with perfect state transfer between any pair of vertices on a subset of size four. 2. There are infinite families of Hermitian graphs with one-way perfect state transfer, where perfect state transfer occurs without periodicity. In contrast, perfect state transfer implies periodicity whenever the adjacency matrix has algebraic entries (as shown by Godsil). 3. There are infinite families with non-monogamous pretty good state transfer in rooted graph products. In particular, we generalize known results on double stars (due to Fan and Godsil) and on paths with loops (due to Kempton, Lippner and Yau). The latter extends the experimental observation of quantum transport (made by Zimbor\'{a}s et al.) and shows non-monogamous pretty good state transfer can occur amongst distant vertices.
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