Power Asymmetry in Planck Full-Mission CMB Temperature Maps

Proceedings of the XXIV DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics Symposium, Jatni, India(2022)

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In the cosmological standard model, CMB is expected to show no symmetry preferences. Here we probe the presence of any parity preferences, particularly those of (a)symmetry in power ( $$C_l$$ ) between even and odd multipole of CMB angular power spectrum from the Planck 2015 full-mission CMB data from ESA’s Planck probe. Further we also assess any specific preference for mirror parity asymmetry as well, by comparing the power contained in $$l+m$$ = even or odd mode combinations. In this work we found the odd parity preferences in Planck full-mission data and it is maximally anomalous within the multipole range $$\approx [2,29]$$ .
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Cosmic microwave background, Isotropy, Parity
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