A Review on Titanium Dioxide Based Photocatalytic Cement: Self-cleaning Cement

Advances in Chemical, Bio and Environmental Engineering(2022)

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In the presence of UV/visible light, Titanium dioxide (TiO2) generates electrons and holes, which get transferred to its surface and cause the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). The ROS react with the available pollutants to decompose them to less harmful products. This characteristic of TiO2 can be further utilized for clean-up of the environmental pollution of the urban areas. Now a days, TiO2 based cementitious materials are of great interest as far as the aesthetic durability of masonry structures and reduction in environmental pollution is concerned. TiO2 based cement, which is widely known as self-cleaning cement, exhibits three distinguished characteristics viz. self-cleaning property, depollution ability, and antimicrobial activity. These characteristics have made the self-cleaning cement a grand topic of concern for sustainable development in the constructional practices. This paper aims to present a comprehensive review on TiO2-photocatalysisandits mechanism, modification of the structure of TiO2 for better performance, self-cleaning white cement, its properties & advantages, and application of self-cleaning cement for environmental remediation.
Photocatalysis, Titanium dioxide, Photocatalytic, Self-cleaning cement, White cement
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