Islamic Advertising Revisited: Implications of Islamic Principles in Advertising

Eurasian Business and Economics Perspectives(2022)

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The survival in the current market is severe because many manufacturers compete in offering various kinds of products and services. An effective strategy in product positioning can improve business sales. The application of advertising is a promoting tool to introduce and encourage potential consumers to purchase products and brands. However, it is found that advertising is charged with many adverse effects includes promoting unsafe and harmful products, wasteful spending and exploiting women and kids. Therefore, this research attempt to analyze the implication of Islamic principles in advertising and discuss outcomes on how Islamic advertising is important in the marketing area. This research methodology is based on content analysis of the literature by reviewing related fiqh books on advertising, namely as references. The results indicate that the advertising practices should be based on four Islamic advertising principles comprising of truthfulness, unbiased comparison, protect modesty, and prohibition on offensive content. It is hoped that the findings may contribute to recognition on the importance of Islamic advertising for social, economic, and commercial outcomes for contemporary practices.
Islamic Advertising,Islamic Principles,Advertisement
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