Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis Annotation Methodology for Group Decision Making Problems: An Insight on the Baseball Domain.


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Decision making is an important part of our lives, especially in the context of an organization where decisions affect their business, and in this modern era, it is increasingly important to make the best decisions and increasingly difficult to get people together to make said decisions. Because of this, the importance of Group Decision Support Systems keeps growing, especially those that are web-based since they allow a connection between people in different corners of the world. However, there isn't much in terms of systems that can take online text-based discussions and use them to help a group of people reach a decision. This works addresses one of the aspects of this issue, that being the lack of annotated datasets that can provide a source of information to help in the creation of said systems. For this purpose, this work presents a methodology to be applied to unstructured text-based discussions found on the social web, to extract from them important information and organize it. In addition, a practical case study of this methodology is described, using Baseball domain discussions from Reddit as this case's unstructured data. We concluded that the created methodology allows the structuring of different aspects of a given social web discussion, especially in Reddit, and could be applied to discussions found on several existing domains.
Group decision making,Unstructured data,Text annotation,Reddit,Baseball
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