Time and its Study in Design Ideation Processes.

Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (NordiCHI)(2022)

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The theme of the workshop is the real-life impact of time on the emergence and development of design ideas. The main focus of creative research, including on design ideas, has been on getting a creative idea and on the idea itself [1]. As a result, the ways in which ideas are developed, presented, and interpreted has been left underexplored [2]. Without this recognition of the real-life impact of time on creative ideas, it might seem as if these ideas sprung up “spontaneously” in that event, but the reality is very different. The underrecognition of time on creative processes has also led to a lack of recognition of what the analytical ‘cuts’ [5] of these models do. In this workshop, we want to bring time and the temporality of creative design processes to the forefront, so we might develop a greater sensitivity to time in our design research, a better understanding of its impacts, and a more precise method toolbox. Our one-day workshop will consist of a keynote lecture, research presentations, lively discussion, and group brainstorming.
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